Saturday, 17 April 2021

2019:我退出了 Market Malaysia (

我刚毕业开始工作时,FB 看到了 diploma 实习时遇回的一位中学学姐问有没有人想做生意。她看起来瘦了很多,而且头发浓密气色很好。常看到她 post 和谁谁谁喝茶旅行或上一些类似激励营的照片,生活多姿多彩🤩 于是,我就 pm 她问问,也约了出来喝茶听听她的生意模式--- 美安 马来西亚。

第一次,我没签约,只拿了一本美美的 brochure 回家。几星期后,她约我去参加一个健康减肥的活动。听到可以去 KL 玩,有营养师免费咨询而且可以顺便量量体脂,我就跟着去了。活动后她就带我去 KFC 见了她的上线😎 

听到她们你一句成功案例我一句帮助自己帮助别人,加上看到 1set 买好像很划算的情况下,我就花了大概 一千六马币 买下了一套产品:

后来我就开始了半年的 “用自己的身体健康表现产品很好” 的网路分享生活。时常跟着学姐去 KL 上产品销售课,回想起那时的我真有毅力(现在周末能呆在家感觉超幸福)。后期我开始没钱往外跑了(月薪 RM2500 要还学贷和存钱买车),学姐还传了很多录音档给我听。

这生意靠网络传销产品(保健品、化妆保养品、清洁用品等),而推销人员是金字塔结构,由上线发展下线,下线再发展下线,而每个人卖出去产品后,他所有的上线都将获得点数。详细可参考 (但马来西亚点数折成奖金的方式有点不同,而且那时产品也没外国多,大家有兴趣可以去马来西亚官网询问清楚目前的模式)

加入后每月有最低购物限制,没记错大概 五六百块马币 一个月🤨 学姐帮我想好的推销主题是调理身体和减肥。我也很想治好我的经痛,所以第二个月就花了 一千多马币 买了一种叫OPC3的抗氧化的东西 和 几种维生素。结果原本吃半年的保健品,我用了一年才吃完。冲泡的保健品对不爱吞药丸的人来说是福音,但我却因为 storage 不当丢了变硬的 b-complex 粉。。。

这一年生病的次数是大大减少了,但经痛要一大笔钱继续慢慢调理。。。接下去几个月我花了 大概二千五块马币 在后台自动购货。2019 成功从 62kg 减到 58kg,但两年后没跟着健康的生活习惯,2021 现在又变回 62kg(还是乖乖拉筋运动和戒冰吧)因为每个月源源不断的货物送来,太多的我都送给有需要的家人(我妈喜欢它的美白抗老系列)or 亲友(我刚好新屋入伙或结婚的好友也不多啦😝 

我在几时决定要退出的呢?在我花了大概八百零吉马币 去了一个称为 Leadership School 和 一个 Health Nutrition 的 Training 后。因为上线们每次活动都鼓励我们去参加美安的全国大会。。。听起来能出国玩好像很爽,但对我来说花一大笔钱出国(门票,机票,吃喝住)去听这些激励人心的讲座,真的不是我向往的生活啊😅 那时的我还跟父母借钱一次过还完PTPTN,再每个月给家用时慢慢还父母钱呀。。。

总结我在美安大概花了 六千马币 得到了什么?除了成功卖出几个产品🤔

1. 明白自身想要的是偏向平淡的芙蓉宅宅生活,往吉隆坡跑对我来说太繁荣了,累爆。。。连搭ktm都会晕的我也终于在 2020年 存到买车的头期🥳

2. 我喜欢 research and compile data, 真心分享经验故事,不喜欢 deal with people 观言察色判断对方的弱点或关心的卖东西拼业绩。而且每周晚上要跨国线上会议或学习让我更珍惜我宝贵的睡眠🤓

3. 健康又有质感的 2019-2020 年。是的,用了两年终于用完手上的货(超有满足感)但也让我更明白我比较向往 minimalism 的那种简单生活。。。虽然做不到 zero waste,但有开始断舍离,慢慢研究环保用品,开心芙蓉有了 Byob🤗

4. 把 manual 的东西 digital 化。在Market Malaysia Shop.com有自己的网页却觉得很难用,开始学 IT 增进自己。🧐

活在这世界上,任何事情只要将时间和精力投入其中都可以做好,关键在于是否愿意并且喜欢做吗?美安是我 2018-2019年刚踏入社会时留下的重要回忆。从一开始的后悔加入(接着催眠自己 RM6000 除以 2年 等于一个月 RM250 还能接受)到现在能反思我做美安这么一小段的时间学到什么东西 🤭 享受成长,活在当下~ 



Saturday, 20 January 2018

Skin Diary 2016 - 2021


Aiken is a quality product from Wipro Unza
This local brand produces a range of gentle antibacterial products at a very affordable price. 

Aiken Tea Tree Oil Spot Away Facial Cleanser
Feel: creamy, foams up well. 牙膏状
Smell: Tea tree oil 我觉得香,我姐觉得臭
Color: White * opening did not come with seal 直接可以按出来,摆在架上一段时间有点。。。
Notes: Feels kind of tighten my dry skin but did not get any allergy reaction. 干爽

Aiken Tea Tree Oil Spot Away Pore Refining Toner

Feel: Alcohol, cooling effect. 凉,可是痛
Smell: strong alcohol with slightly flora scent. 酒精味重
Color: light green color when pour onto cotton pad. 有点吓到,但材料没写颜色素
Notes: Vacuum packed with plastic. Pores visibly smaller and oil seeds lesser, but very PAIN on first usage. *alcohol, does not suit my dry skin 太刺激

Aiken Tea Tree Oil Spot Away Moisturizer

Feel: water base 吸收挺快的,但要爽肤水打底
Smell: faint tea tree oil fragrance. 不错
Color: white and become transparent on skin.
Notes: controlling oil, blemishes still appear. 水润但不持久

Aiken Tea Tree Oil Spot Away Pimple Cream

Feel: Cream base. If apply too much of it, some white residues come off once it dries up.
Smell: Slightly tea tree oil smell.
Color: White based but transparent once applied onto the skin. 千万别搽太多
Notes: Pimple will be gone for 3 days or a week but pimple scar did not fade away. 暗疮干得快

Aiken 100% Pure Tea Tree Oil

Feel: watery.
Color: Yellowish transparent. 
Smell: A strong smell of tea tree.
Notes: Irritate my skin causes slightly red if put it too much on the skin. Reduce inflammation in 2 or 3 days with consistent usage.  * Will repurchase.  刺激但有效
Multi-task oil. Good on insect bites and has healing properties. 

 Aiken Daily Sunscreen Lotion SPF30++

Feel: concentrated texture but non-greasy
Smell: quite fresh 不会油
Color: White but transparent on the skin. 
Notes: parabens free. Need to reapply every 2 hours 但我很懒. absorbs quickly 
(provide waterproof  protection when i went seaside). 大大一支,可以用很久



Safi brand is fully owned by Wipro Unza Malaysia Sdn Bhd, a leading Halal brand which consists of a unique and comprehensive range of skincare, personal care and toiletry products developed exclusively to meet the needs of modern women and men. 

This one I used head to toe when go travel or swimming. Strong fragrance smell, so I not daily basis used.

I mostly bought their skincare product. 
I buy the Safi Fair Beauty range years ago during high school... 
Really become white after my co-curriculum day. Miss those marching days~~~ 
When diploma time, I tried Safi Natural range , the smell of cleanser and toner is not so natural for me? Quite strong if compare to the cream. The cream works well on my dry skin. 
In my degree, I used Safi Balqis Oxywhite range.  I love the cleanser so refreshing, toner not sticky and cream let me stay white although I walked to faculty under hot sun. 

The CC cream accompanied me for many presentation and even for viva final year project. 

Lastly, I tried Safi Rania Gold Beetox range during my internship 
(finally got a little bit salary ma XD).

The cleanser packaging slim, easy to take around and it smell like got honey, relax after a day of intern. The essence cool my skin and fast absorb. Just the cream smell kind of weird for me... 


Nano White is one of drugstore brand in Malaysia, running by the Tohtonku Sdn Bhd. 2018, I received Nano White skin care set as my Degree Graduation gift.

1) Awakening Snow Wash

Using the cleanser to wash face twice in one day ( morning & night ). 
My face looks brighter, fresh and healthy. 
No tense skin and effectively cleansing with soft texture.

2) Refining Treatment Toner 
Apply toner on face right after wash face by dabbing gently. 
Refreshing, not drying out my skin but not sure pore tightening effect. 

3) Serum

Not irritating and have whitening effect but I only apply over areas with dark spot. 

4) Moisturizer - Double Action Whitening Gel cream

Moisturizing but non-sticky. Love this range smell. 

Actually I tried the Day Cream of old version when I was diploma, 
it feel irritating my skin, so after moisturizer I put on sunscreen of other brand. 


Skintelligence from

Really good and improve my skin but really too expensive for me. 




Simple has always been kind to skin.

Refreshing Facial Wash

Leaves skin thoroughly cleansed and nourished! 

Soothing Facial Toner

Most advanced yet gentle facial toner to date. 

Hydrating Booster

A vitamin-rich, replenishing moisturizer to help smooth and soften your skin. 

Made with only the purest ingredients, visit Simple Skincare, for sensitive skin. 



SENKA is a Japanese skin care brand under the SHISEIDO company, whose products are formulated with Double Hyaluronic Acid.

 No.1 Facial Cleanser in Japan 
for 12 Consecutive Years 


** This post just for own record. Not professional comment! 



Friday, 25 March 2016

My Hometown 森美兰

由于我真的很懒解释,所以就在这里整理整理好了 XD

好,第一个地方常被提起的 波德申 Port Dickson 海岸

小时候常来游泳,但现在大多是来吹海风,喝 Starbuckssssssss~~~
这里有个仿照美国西部牛仔设计的 Eagle Ranch 飞鹰农场度假村 骑马和驾驶四轮驱动越野车,
也可以到 Extreme Park 尝试 go kart, paintball & rope course. 

接着就是芙蓉 Seremban
(森美兰是 Negeri sembilan,很多人搞混 ==, ) 重点是这里的美食啦。。。

尤其是这个鱿鱼米粉。我读大学后才知道这道美食在其他地方很难找 >,<

还有这个 Pasar Besar Seremban 的客家面。

怀念以前的姨婆老鼠粉 T.T  (图:人民邮报)

寻找美食的当儿,还可以寻找壁画的踪影哦 ^^

(图:Vicky Yee FB)

这里的旅游景点有 陆军博物馆,皇家博物馆,蜈蚣山,志元堂,海滨公园 等等。。。
当然,我不常去这些地方,都说了是 ~游客集聚地~ 
有拍照留念的只有遮丽塔鸵鸟园 Jelita Ostrich Farm吧。。。

好,接着是武来岸玉封石拿督庙(Sak Dato Temple)


车是能及半山的,那里有各式各样的肖像哦 O.O

Jeram Toi 瀑布 或者 Ulu Bendul Recreational Forest

还有另一个值得推荐,充满艺术的地方,它就是 Titi 知知港

大部分是我的 FAMILY DAY 照片 >,<
Err... 我的同屋问起芙蓉烧包了。。。下趟回乡我带回宿舍ha ~~~ BYE ^^